The BlackGirl Infused Collection

Welcome to BlackGirl Infused where our goal is to change your relationship with your lifestyle, health and cannabis. From your diet to your pampering routine, there is sure to be something that everyone can infuse into their daily routine.

Skin Care

  • Voyage Baltimore: Conversation w/ Trina Liggins-Sledge

    Voyage Baltimore: Conversation w/ Trina Liggins...

    My love for cooking has always been around, it was when I realized what can be done with cannabis in my cooking when my love went into overdrive. I was...

    Voyage Baltimore: Conversation w/ Trina Liggins...

    My love for cooking has always been around, it was when I realized what can be done with cannabis in my cooking when my love went into overdrive. I was...

  • Why You Need CBD

    Why You Need CBD

    A few years ago, when most people never differentiated between Cannabidiol and Marijuana. Many argued that the use of Cannabidiol causes madness; therefore, the use of this great cure is...

    Why You Need CBD

    A few years ago, when most people never differentiated between Cannabidiol and Marijuana. Many argued that the use of Cannabidiol causes madness; therefore, the use of this great cure is...

  • The Importance of CBD Products

    The Importance of CBD Products

    By:  KLC Media Short for 'cannabidiol', there is a lot of talk about CBD and its importance to your health and wellbeing. Not only can CBD bring balance to your...

    The Importance of CBD Products

    By:  KLC Media Short for 'cannabidiol', there is a lot of talk about CBD and its importance to your health and wellbeing. Not only can CBD bring balance to your...

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